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Miywasin Wellness offers mobile end of life care services both in home and in most palliative care settings. We are dedicated to supporting families and healthcare workers during difficult times of transition.     


There are a number of benefits when utilizing acupuncture to assist in preventative health and the eradication of disease. In the West, acupuncture is becoming an increasingly common treatment for a variety of health care concerns. Where it really stands out in comparison to other modalities, is how beneficial it can be in the treatment of severe chronic pain conditions or emotional imbalances. Physiologically speaking, the needles are inserted and trigger a response from the nervous system to communicate with the endocrine system, allowing for production of beta-endorphins. This means that the body uses itself as an opiod (pain reliever). It is this link to the nervous system that makes acupuncture so proficient in treating pain and calming the mind. Acupuncture has been proven to relieve the hyperactivity of a pain response supporting harm reduction and decreasing the risk of opiod toxicity. Pain conditions have a close relationship to poor sleep, depression, and irritability; taking away from a palliative patient’s quality of life. Together with suffering from pain, patients have to undergo the internal struggles of coping with end of life often manifesting as anxiety, worry, grief, or confusion. Over thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has had the time to fine tune treatment protocols that can alleviate the hardships of end of life situations. 


In addition to decreasing risk factors, acupuncture can help deal with some of the side effects from taking opioids like; constipation, breathlessness, dyspnea, drowsiness, loss of appetite. Radiation and chemotherapy destroy cancer cells but also destroy healthy cells in the process. Acupuncture has been used for many years to treat side effects caused by this cellular destruction like nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, diarrhea, abdominal cramps or bloating, headaches, and skin rashes. Traditional Chinese Medicine has specialized needling techniques and herbal remedies meant for relieving bed sores, skin wounds, and lymphedema. It can also assist in treatment of symptoms related to organ failure like; bowel obstruction, cough with excessive sputum, breathlessness, or tachycardia. 


Traditional Chinese Medicine is complimentary to many Western modalities used within a palliative care setting as it reduces suffering and secures effectiveness of care coordination. It is a reliable resource when shifting the focus of care from curing to symptom management and comfort care. Acupuncture is versatile and can continuously meet the needs of the patient as their condition progresses. It is not just for palliative patients but can be beneficial for loved ones, caregivers, and practitioners as it can safeguard against compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and PTSD. Traditional Chinese Medicine boosts effectiveness of standard western medical care and nurtures quality of life for any individuals finding themselves in an end of life care situation.

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